Dóra Gavló

Work experience

Company: Sakari Games
Employement: 2023 September -
Team size: 3-4
Role(s): Programmer
Description: A serious games project developed in Unity for the Meta Quest
Company site

University projects

Year: 2022-2023
Duration: 1 year
Team size: 20+
Role(s): Physics programmer
Gameplay programmer
Description: This is a sailing/survival game. As physics programmer it is my task to make sure the boat and everything related to it is functioning correctly. As a gameplay programmer, I main debug and optimize functionality across the board. Outside of this, I'm also the one making sure code reviews are done correctly and regularly by the whole team.


Year: 2022-
Duration: In progress
Description: I started making this physics library during a gap year in university. At the moment, it includes basic rigid body movement, springs and collision detection. It also has its own math library and a basic renderer.

Year: 2020-2021
Duration: 1 year
Team size: 20+ (varied throughout the year)
Role(s): Physics programmer
Gameplay programmer
Description: This is a Forza-like game with snowmobiles. As a physics programmer, I took care of the movement of the snowmobile. I also picked up gameplay tasks as I was went.
Year: 2020
Duration: 2 months
Team size: 14
Role(s): Gameplay programmer
Description: This is a smaller puzzle game about fixing fairytale stories. During this project I mainly worked on the saving system and general gameplay tasks.
Year: 2019
Duration: 2 months (I joined the team halfway through)
Team size: 10
Role(s): Gameplay programmer
Description: This is a kind of co-op racing game, which was my first project in Unreal Engine, therefore I was still mostly learning about blueprints. Due to this, and also joining the project relatively late, I had smaller tasks such as making sure the player can't cheat, by going backwards.